I recently fell upon these two great pieces – "Die Wacht am Rhein" and "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser", and I instantly fell in love with such music. (I know that the second one is about the Holy Roman Empire and Austria, but it's still in German) But the problem is that I don't know a drop of German, and that prevents me from making my own search for such music. I think they fall in the genre "patriotic music", especially the first one, but that's all I know.
What I need help in looking for is already described in the title – pre-Interwar German music, i.e. before 1918, for obvious reasons. All-male choir is preferred.
So, now that we're clear on what I'm looking for, what have you got for me? Feel free to post whatever pieces are your favorite ones, or just leave links to YouTube playlists or sites with collections of such music.
Thanks in advance!